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I can leave my computer on and do it.

Mouse cleaning time

C language learned by suffering
C language learned by suffering

bitter C license

About Use
The author believes that the C language (hereafter referred to as "bitter C"), which is learned by suffering
Anyone is free to view it for any purpose (non-commercial or commercial).
Also, the sample programs in the bitter C
You are free to use it for any purpose.
Responsibility of the Author
The author has been working on all the contents of the bitter C articles, sample programs, etc.
No responsibility is assumed for the results of using it.
Readers may only use the bitter C if they are satisfied that this is the case.
The author has been working on all the contents of the bitter C articles, sample programs, etc.
even if they contain explicit errors.
We reserve the right, but not the obligation, to correct them.
About Links
The author has made the following changes to all pages, including the top page and each content page of the complaint C.
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About reprinting
The author has been working on all content of the bitter C articles, sample programs, etc., for the
Reproduction on any other site, bulletin board, book, etc., for any purpose is permitted.
However, in such cases, it must be clearly stated that the reproduction is from bitter C.

Reproduction example
The C language has other rules for writing apart from the rules just described.
First, the C language is case-sensitive.
For example, main, MAIN, and maIN are interpreted as completely different tokens in C.
(Reprinted from bitter C.)

Permission is also granted to change its content at the time of reprinting.
However, in such a case, it should be clearly stated that the reproduction is with changes from the complaint C, and
The author will be allowed to incorporate the changes into the original bitter C.
The author has made the following changes to all pages, including the top page and each content page of the complaint C.
Distribution to an unspecified number of persons for any purpose and by any means is permitted.
In addition, in computer-based distribution, the
Conversion of the file format is permitted to the extent that the textual expression of the original is not impaired.
However, no compensation, except for actual costs such as communication charges, shall be required for distribution.
It should be clearly stated in some way that the original is a bitter C.
About Translation
The author has made the following changes to all pages, including the top page and each content page of the complaint C.
You are granted permission to translate and distribute the materials into any other natural language for any purpose and by any means.
However, in such cases, the original must be in Japanese only and
A disclaimer should be included stating that the translation does not faithfully represent the original.

About this Site

The C language (bitter C), which is learned by suffering, is
This is the definitive C language introductory site.
It systematically explains the basic functions of the C language and
It is as complete as or more complete than any book on the market.

Part 0: Program Overview
  1. What is the program?
Chapter 2: How to write a program
  1. Writing Rules
  2. Writing conventions
  3. Exercise 2
Chapter 3: Display on Screen
  1. String display
  2. newline character
  3. Exercise 3
Chapter 4: Numeric Display and Calculation
  1. Numeric Display
  2. Basic Calculations
  3. Type of value
  4. Exercise 4
Chapter 5: Numerical Memory and Calculation
  1. Memorize values
  2. Variable Type
  3. Type conversion
  4. Numeric justification
  5. Exercise 5
Chapter 6: Input from the keyboard
  1. Functions for input
  2. Fear of Input
  3. Exercise 6
Chapter 9: Repetition with a fixed number of times
  1. Sentences that repeat themselves
  2. Loop Operation Mechanism
  3. Exercise 9
Chapter 10: Unknown number of repetitions
  1. Loop of unknown frequency
  2. input check
  3. Exercise 10
Chapter 13: Handling Multiple Variables at Once
  1. Multiple variables are handled together.
  2. How to use arrays
  3. Exercise 13
Chapter 19: Dynamic Arrays
  1. Create arrays at will
  2. Exercise 19
Chapter 20: Multiple Source Files
  1. Minimal division
  2. The Stone of Partition
  3. Exercise 20


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