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Automatic version identification


It's easy to tell by looking at it.

Response Time Checker

I can leave my computer on and do it.

Mouse cleaning time

I can leave my computer on and do it.

Mouse cleaning time

C language learned by suffering
C language learned by suffering

Exercise 14

fundamental knowledge

What do you call the method of distinguishing by giving each letter a separate number?

Q 1-2
What do we call the special character that marks the end of a string?

program read-only
Answer how the following program is displayed when executed.

 #include <stdio.h>

int main(void)
    char C;

    for (C = 'A'; C <= 'Z'; C++) {
        printf("%C", C);

    return 0;

program writing

Create a program that allows the user to enter first and last names separately and then combines them into a display.

descriptive expression

Briefly explain why C uses arrays to handle strings.

Basic Knowledge (sample answers)

Solution 1-1
character code

Solution 1-2
EOS or Terminating character or \0

Program reading (example solution)

Solution 2-1

*Displayed from A to Z by repeating with a for statement.
Program writing (example of solution)

Solution 3-1
 #include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

int main(void)
    char fname[256], name[256];

    printf("Please enter last name:");
    scanf("%s", fname);

    printf("Please enter your name:");
    scanf("%s", name);

    strcat(fname, name);
    printf("Full name is %s\n", fname);

    return 0;

Here, the strings are concatenated before displaying.
Another possible method is to arrange them when displaying, as shown below.

Solution 3-1 Alternative solution
 for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
    printf("%d ", data[9 - i]);

Short Answer Type (Sample Answer)

Solution 4-1
Because strings vary in length from one thing to another
It uses arrays of variable length.

About this Site

The C language (bitter C), which is learned by suffering, is
This is the definitive C language introductory site.
It systematically explains the basic functions of the C language and
It is as complete as or more complete than any book on the market.

Part 0: Program Overview
  1. What is the program?
Chapter 2: How to write a program
  1. Writing Rules
  2. Writing conventions
  3. Exercise 2
Chapter 3: Display on Screen
  1. String display
  2. newline character
  3. Exercise 3
Chapter 4: Numeric Display and Calculation
  1. Numeric Display
  2. Basic Calculations
  3. Type of value
  4. Exercise 4
Chapter 5: Numerical Memory and Calculation
  1. Memorize values
  2. Variable Type
  3. Type conversion
  4. Numeric justification
  5. Exercise 5
Chapter 6: Input from the keyboard
  1. Functions for input
  2. Fear of Input
  3. Exercise 6
Chapter 9: Repetition with a fixed number of times
  1. Sentences that repeat themselves
  2. Loop Operation Mechanism
  3. Exercise 9
Chapter 10: Unknown number of repetitions
  1. Loop of unknown frequency
  2. input check
  3. Exercise 10
Chapter 13: Handling Multiple Variables at Once
  1. Multiple variables are handled together.
  2. How to use arrays
  3. Exercise 13
Chapter 19: Dynamic Arrays
  1. Create arrays at will
  2. Exercise 19
Chapter 20: Multiple Source Files
  1. Minimal division
  2. The Stone of Partition
  3. Exercise 20


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