Complementary colors, similar colors, triad Related Color Generators
Complementary colors, similar colors, triad
Related Color Generators
This tool calculates related colors that are easy to combine based on the specified colors.
You don't need to know anything about color to create a noble color scheme.
complementary color
The color is the opposite hue to the specified color.
When used as an accent color, it can be very noticeable, but it can also be perceived as too prominent and vulgar.
division complement
A color with a large hue shift relative to the specified color.
It is very noticeable when used as an accent color, but not as bad as the complementary color.
The color is a slightly shifted hue with respect to the specified color.
When used in combination with the specified color, it feels stable and natural.
The color is shifted by one-third of its hue with respect to the specified color.
When used in combination with a specified color, it feels natural, yet is easier to identify than similar colors.
The designated color is used as the header color, the top right button is a prominent split complementary color, and the header of each item is a natural triad.
The following is an image of the website when the
Terms of Use
Use of this tool is completely free of charge. The developer does not ask for any form of compensation.
You are free to use this tool for any purpose, including commercial use.
The developer assumes no responsibility for any damages resulting from the use of this tool.