More Free Software
LCD response time & low resolution check
This tool is used to check the response time of LCD displays.
This is a visual judgment, but should be sufficient as a guide.
We have been used by 4Gamer for their display reviews

This is a multimedia player that pursues simplicity to the extreme.
The most important feature is that the player itself exits when playback ends.
This allows playback without placing a burden on the computer's memory.
*It will also work on Windows 10, but will be quite unstable.

Space Block
It is a block breaker. It has various gimmicks such as springs, warps, etc.
The most important feature is that it comes with a stage editor.
Stages created by users are also available.
The game is from the Windows 98 era, but it works perfectly well on Windows 11.

This tool assigns the keyboard to the gamepad.
It works on Windows 11, though,
There is a “JoyToKey” that is much more sophisticated than this,
We now recommend using that one.